Thursday, March 19, 2009

Herbal soup with prawns

I first tasted this soup in one of the Chinese restuarant in Suntec.

I used Si Shen tang soup pack and add prawns and some chinese wine in it.
The prawns should not be cooked for too long.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Teh Halia

I literally get addicted to teh halia the first time i drink it, so when i could find it in the supermarket I was very happy.

Unfortunately the powdered version isnt as sweet and spicy (strong) as the coffeeshop version so I have mixed it with ginger powder drink (which was neglected in my family for quite some time). The end result? Wonderful!

It might be too sweet for some of you.

I tasted ginger milk (ginger with milk) in one of the spa resort in Indonesia (Javana Spa) and I was also hook to the drink.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Coleslaw with Kraft's coleslaw cream

I gave up making coleslaw cream from scratch as it didnt give me the taste i want. Hence i have used Kraft's coleslaw cream instead. (it is relatively new in the market as a few years ago, i didnt see it in supermarket shelf)

Ingredients : shredded cabbage, red onions (sliced), shredded carrots, some black pepper and coleslaw cream.

For variation, you can add thousand island sauce with some SinSin garlic chilli sauce or use Heinz English Salad cream.

For those who are looking for more asthetic coleslaw, use some red cabbage and/or some red chillies and/or corianders.